19, 2021

The ACE Lab PC-3000 Training Took Place at Teel Tech USA

In August 2021, ACE Lab together with our partner Teel Technologies successfully conducted one more on-site data recovery training session in the USA.

It has been five years since data recovery engineers and digital forensic experts can attend the PC-3000 Data Recovery Training in North America.

The HDD training is an integral part of the ACE Lab regular program, together with the courses on recovering data from SSDs, Flash & Monoliths. This year data recovery engineers and digital forensic experts joined us at the PC-3000 HDD Data Recovery Expert Training. They got deeper knowledge about data and digital evidence recovery and already began to apply it to solve the cases that had seemed unrecoverable before.

The HDD Expert Training includes both in-depth theory and practical tasks. The course attendees discovered troubleshooting techniques for the burning issues and learned how to solve the widespread as well as the most difficult and sophisticated cases. This is one of the feedbacks from our students:

"I was extremely pleased ACE Labs sent Viktor [the ACE Lab Training Instructor] to instruct our class. He is extremely friendly, pleasant, well mannered, well spoken & does everything possible to assist the student without any frustration or hesitation. I cannot thank him enough for his time & patience. I am hoping ACE Labs can return to the USA again VERY SOON as I look forward to additional classroom instruction."

Greg Masi

Looking forward to meeting all our customers from North America at the PC-3000 training in the USA next time!

Hundreds of international specialists have already been certified by ACE Lab offline and online. Right now you can sign into the online data recovery training:


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